Assignments Spring 2023


There will be four projects, which will count for a total of 60% of your course grade. You will work individually on all projects.

  1. Software Security Project – due Monday, February 6 at 11:59 p.m.
  2. Malware Analysis Project – due Tuesday, February 21 at 11:59 p.m.
  3. Cryptography Project – due Monday, March 27 at 11:59 p.m.
  4. Web Security Project – due Monday, April 24 at 11:59 p.m.

Lecture Quizzes

There will be 10 true/false and multiple-choice quizzes that each count as 1%. Each quiz will be released on a Friday on Canvas (or the first day after spring break) and due in ten days on Monday (or the last day before spring break). Quiz 1 will be the only quiz that will allow unlimited attempts, and all others will be only two attempts limited to one hour per attempt. There will be an ungraded Quiz 0 to familiarize yourself with course policies and the quiz system. 

Grading Policies

Here's our policy for late submissions, regrade requests, and submission errors:

Late Assignments If assignments are not submitted by the Canvas specified due date/time (11:59 pm ET unless specified otherwise), they are late. Course projects may be submitted up to 24 hours late (i.e., if due on Feb 2nd at 11:59 pm, they can be submitted up until Feb 3rd at 11:59 pm), with a flat deduction of 25% of the possible assignment's value. In other words, if a project was worth 100 points and you scored 90 points before the late deduction, your score would be 65/100. After exactly 24 hours, no late submission is allowed (per the next paragraph).
No other late submissions (quizzes, exams, etc.) are allowed unless special circumstances subject to Georgia Tech rules (e.g., medical or family emergencies).
Regrade Requests Up to one week, after each Project grade is released, you may submit one (and only one) regrade request. We will only accept regrade submissions via Gradescope, and not via email, Piazza, or other ways. Note that your grade for this project can go up or down if you request a regrade. 
Submission Errors We are aware that Canvas's submissions system can have errors sometimes and can prevent you from submitting projects at the last minute (before the deadline). If this happens, please do not panic. Email us at and attach your solutions for the project to this email along with a screenshot of your error on Canvas.