Course Schedule Spring 2025
Part 1. System Security
Monday, Jan. 6 |
Tuesday, Jan. 7 1. The Security Mindset Course overview, thinking like an attacker, threat models |
Wednesday, Jan. 8 |
Thursday, Jan. 9 2. Software Security 1 Machine organization, basic stack smashing |
Friday, Jan. 10 |
Monday, Jan. 13 |
Tuesday, Jan. 14 3. Software Security 2 Advanced stack smashing and countermeasures Lab 1: GDB due 11:59 p.m.
Wednesday, Jan. 15 |
Thursday, Jan. 16 4. OS Security and Access Control Secure system principles, access control, process and memory isolation Application Security Project (Part 1) due 11:59 p.m.
Quiz 0 - Course Logistics due 11:59 p.m.
Friday, Jan. 17 |
Monday, Jan. 20 MLK Jr Day |
Tuesday, Jan. 21 5. Isolation and Sandboxing Syscalls and interposition, jails, Docker, VMs, hypervisors Quiz 1 - Security Mindset and Software Security due 11:59 p.m.
Wednesday, Jan. 22 |
Part 2. Cryptography
Thursday, Jan. 23 6. Hashing Applications, definitions, birthday, life cycle, common examples |
Friday, Jan. 24 |
Monday, Jan. 27 Quiz 2 - Operating System Security and Access Control due 11:59 p.m.
Tuesday, Jan. 28 7. Integrity MAC, HMAC, length extension attacks Application Security Project (Part 2) due 11:59 p.m.
Wednesday, Jan. 29 |
Thursday, Jan. 30 8. Symmetric Crypto OTP, block ciphers, DES history, AES internals |
Friday, Jan. 31 |
Monday, Feb. 3 |
Tuesday, Feb. 4 9. Combining Integrity and Confidentiality Block cipher modes, malleability, padding oracles, AEAD Lab 2: Docker and Python due 11:59 p.m.
Wednesday, Feb. 5 |
Thursday, Feb. 6 10. DH and Key Exchange Modular arithmetic, DH, key management, MITM attacks Cryptography Project (Part 1) due 11:59 p.m.
Friday, Feb. 7 |
Monday, Feb. 10 Quiz 3 - Isolation, Hashing, and Integrity due 11:59 p.m.
Tuesday, Feb. 11 11. RSA and Attacks on Protocols, Building a Secure Channel RSA encryption and signatures, attacks on RSA, combining primitives |
Wednesday, Feb. 12 |
Part 3. Web and Networking
Thursday, Feb. 13 12. The Web Platform HTTP, HTML, DOM, JavaScript, same-origin policy |
Friday, Feb. 14 |
Monday, Feb. 17 Quiz 4 - Symmetric Crypto due 11:59 p.m.
Tuesday, Feb. 18 13. Web Attacks and Defenses CSRF, SQL injection, XSS attacks and defenses Cryptography Project (Part 2) due 11:59 p.m.
Wednesday, Feb. 19
Web Security Project
Lab 3: Browser DevTools
Thursday, Feb. 20 Exam Review |
Friday, Feb. 21 |
Monday, Feb. 24 Quiz 5 - DH Key Exchange & RSA due 11:59 p.m.
Tuesday, Feb. 25 Exam 1, Online
Wednesday, Feb. 26 |
Thursday, Feb. 27 14. HTTPS and the Web PKI TLS, certificates, PKI Lab 3: Browser DevTools due 11:59 p.m.
Friday, Feb. 28 |
Monday, Mar. 3 Quiz 6 - Web Security due 11:59 p.m.
Tuesday, Mar. 4 15. HTTPS Attacks and Defenses TLS, certificates, PKI |
Wednesday, Mar. 5 |
Thursday, Mar. 6 16. Networking 101 Social engineering, attacks on CAs, protocol & implementation issues |
Friday, Mar. 7 |
Monday, Mar. 10 |
Tuesday, Mar. 11 17. Networking 102 OSI model, link- through transport-layer attacks Web Security Project due 11:59 p.m.
Wednesday, Mar. 12
Networking Project
Lab 4: Python Sockets
Thursday, Mar. 13 18. Network Defenses TCP/UDP, application-layer protocols and attacks |
Friday, Mar. 14 |
Monday, Mar. 17 Spring Break |
Tuesday, Mar. 18 Spring Break |
Wednesday, Mar. 19 Spring Break |
Thursday, Mar. 20 Spring Break |
Friday, Mar. 21 Spring Break |
Part 4. Security in Context
Monday, Mar. 24 Quiz 7 - HTTPS, Web PKI, Attacks, and Defenses due 11:59 p.m.
Tuesday, Mar. 25 19. Malware Types of malware, infection methods, C&C, case studies Lab 4: Python Sockets due 11:59 p.m.
Wednesday, Mar. 26 |
Thursday, Mar. 27 20. Authentication Passwords, CAPTCHAs, 2FA, biometrics |
Friday, Mar. 28 |
Monday, Mar. 31 Quiz 8 - Networking & Networking Defenses due 11:59 p.m.
Tuesday, Apr. 1 21. Privacy and Anonymity Fingerprinting, k-anonymity, Tor, CFAA, ethics Networking Project due 11:59 p.m.
Wednesday, Apr. 2
Forensics Project
Lab 5: Autopsy
Thursday, Apr. 3 22. Digital Forensics Imaging, techniques for analysis, countermeasures for forensics |
Friday, Apr. 4 |
Monday, Apr. 7 Quiz 9 - Malware and Authentication due 11:59 p.m.
Tuesday, Apr. 8 23. Physical Security Types of physical locks and how to defeat them via lockpicking Lab 5: Autopsy due 11:59 p.m.
Wednesday, Apr. 9 |
Thursday, Apr. 10 24. Ethics Guest lecture about security in Machine Learning |
Friday, Apr. 11 |
Monday, Apr. 14 Quiz 10 - Privacy and Digital Forensics due 11:59 p.m.
Tuesday, Apr. 15 25. Exam Review |
Wednesday, Apr. 16 |
Thursday, Apr. 17 Exam 2, Online
Friday, Apr. 18 |
Monday, Apr. 21 |
Tuesday, Apr. 22 26. Guest Lecture TBD |
Wednesday, Apr. 23 |
Thursday, Apr. 24 Forensics Project due 11:59 p.m.