Course Schedule Spring 2024

Part 1. System Security

Monday, Jan. 8
GENKIN Tuesday, Jan. 9
1. The Security Mindset
Course overview, thinking like an attacker, threat models
GENKIN Thursday, Jan. 11
2. Software Security 1
Machine organization, basic stack smashing
Friday, Jan. 12
Monday, Jan. 15
GENKIN Tuesday, Jan. 16
3. Software Security 2
Advanced stack smashing and countermeasures
Lab 1: GDB due 11:59 p.m.
GENKIN Thursday, Jan. 18
4. OS Security and Access Control
Secure system principles, access control, process and memory isolation
Application Security Project (Part 1) due 11:59 p.m.
Quiz 0 - Course Logistics due 11:59 p.m.
Friday, Jan. 19
Monday, Jan. 22
Quiz 1 - Security Mindset and Software Security due 11:59 p.m.
GENKIN Tuesday, Jan. 23
5. Isolation and Sandboxing
Syscalls and interposition, jails, Docker, VMs, hypervisors
GENKIN Thursday, Jan. 25
6. Authentication
Passwords, CAPTCHAs, 2FA, biometrics
Friday, Jan. 26

Part 2. Cryptography

Monday, Jan. 29
Quiz 2 - Operating System Security and Access Control due 11:59 p.m.
GENKIN Tuesday, Jan. 30
7. Hashing
Applications, definitions, birthday, life cycle, common examples
Application Security Project (Part 2) due 11:59 p.m.
GENKIN Thursday, Feb. 1
8. Integrity
MAC, HMAC, length extension attacks
Friday, Feb. 2
Monday, Feb. 5
Quiz 3 - Isolation and Authentication due 11:59 p.m.
GENKIN Tuesday, Feb. 6
9. Symmetric Crypto
OTP, block ciphers, DES history, AES internals
Lab 2: Docker and Python due 11:59 p.m.
GENKIN Thursday, Feb. 8
10. Combining Integrity and Confidentiality
Block cipher modes, malleability, padding oracles, AEAD
Friday, Feb. 9
Monday, Feb. 12
Quiz 4 - Hashing and Integrity due 11:59 p.m.
GENKIN Tuesday, Feb. 13
11. DH and Key Exchange
Modular arithmetic, DH, key management, MITM attacks
Cryptography Project (Part 1) due 11:59 p.m.
GENKIN Thursday, Feb. 15
12. RSA and Attacks on Protocols, Building a Secure Channel
RSA encryption and signatures, attacks on RSA, combining primitives
Friday, Feb. 16

Part 3. Web and Networking

Monday, Feb. 19
Quiz 5 - Symmetric Cryptography due 11:59 p.m.
GENKIN Tuesday, Feb. 20
13. The Web Platform
HTTP, HTML, DOM, JavaScript, same-origin policy
GENKIN Thursday, Feb. 22
14. Web Attacks and Defenses
CSRF, SQL injection, XSS attacks and defenses
Cryptography Project (Part 2) due 11:59 p.m.
Friday, Feb. 23
Monday, Feb. 26
Quiz 6 - DH Key Exchange and RSA due 11:59 p.m.
STAFF Tuesday, Feb. 27
Exam Review
Thursday, Feb. 29
Exam 1, Online
Friday, Mar. 1
Monday, Mar. 4
Quiz 7 - Web Security due 11:59 p.m.
GENKIN Tuesday, Mar. 5
15. HTTPS and the Web PKI
TLS, certificates, PKI
Lab 3: Browser DevTools due 11:59 p.m.
GENKIN Thursday, Mar. 7
16. HTTPS Attacks and Defenses
Social engineering, attacks on CAs, protocol & implementation issues
Friday, Mar. 8
Monday, Mar. 11
GENKIN Tuesday, Mar. 12
17. Networking 101
OSI model, link- through transport-layer attacks
GENKIN Thursday, Mar. 14
18. Networking 102
TCP/UDP, application-layer protocols and attacks
Web Security Project due 11:59 p.m.
Friday, Mar. 15
Monday, Mar. 18
Spring Break
Tuesday, Mar. 19
Spring Break
Thursday, Mar. 21
Spring Break
Friday, Mar. 22
Spring Break
Monday, Mar. 25
Quiz 8 - HTTPS and the Web PKI due 11:59 p.m.
GENKIN Tuesday, Mar. 26
19. Network Defenses
DoS techniques and defenses, network monitoring
Lab 4: Python Sockets due 11:59 p.m.
GENKIN Thursday, Mar. 28
20. Malware
Types of malware, infection methods, C&C, case studies
Friday, Mar. 29

Part 4. Security in Context

Monday, Apr. 1
GENKIN Tuesday, Apr. 2
21. Digital Forensics
Imaging, techniques for analysis, countermeasures for forensics
GENKIN Thursday, Apr. 4
22. Side-Channel Analysis
Physical side channels, microarchitectural issues, Spectre and Meltdown
Networking Project due 11:59 p.m.
Friday, Apr. 5
Monday, Apr. 8
Quiz 9 - Networking and Network Defenses due 11:59 p.m.
GENKIN Tuesday, Apr. 9
23. Privacy & Anonymity
Fingerprinting, k-anonymity, Tor, CFAA, ethics
GENKIN Thursday, Apr. 11
24. Physical Security
Types of physical locks and how to defeat them via lockpicking
Lab 5: Autopsy due 11:59 p.m.
Friday, Apr. 12
Monday, Apr. 15
Quiz 10 - Digital Forensics and Malware due 11:59 p.m.
STAFF Tuesday, Apr. 16
Exam Review
Thursday, Apr. 18
Exam 2, Online
Friday, Apr. 19
Monday, Apr. 22
Tuesday, Apr. 23
Thursday, Apr. 25
Forensics Project due 11:59 p.m.